How to get views on youtube & keep them watching your videos?
Wondering how to hook people and keep them watching your videos till the end? To do this you need to attract people. And if your goal is to get views on youtube to grow your youtube channel then it is very important you communicate with those first-time viewers. Make it very clear that there is no confusion for them to understand.
Why Watch Time matters to The YouTube Algorithm
On YouTube at least 400 hours of video get uploaded every minute. To return the most relevant results for a search query and/or recommended and suggested videos YouTube needs an effective way to ‘judge’ the quality of the video content to rank. The number one ranking factor for YouTube is now “watch time”.
YouTube Video Title & Thumbnail
To attract people and make them click your video, your video title needs to be compelling and attention-grabbing. To intrigue people and make them want to know more, the title and the thumbnail work together to create interest, mystery, or attraction. Also you have to think about how to choose perfect content for youtube?. Because content is king and that’s the reason people engage to watch your video. Ideally, the thumbnail shouldn’t contain the same words as the title – they’re seen together so they need to play together.
How to title youtube videos?
The first and foremost tip to write your YouTube titles is to make sure people watch your videos is –
- the length of the title to work within the perfect length. Try to keep the YouTube title length below 70 characters and descriptive enough. Capitalize the first letter of each word, it makes the title easy to read by users. However, you can make one word capital to draw attraction.
- Using a number within your title will give your content a more specific overview.
- Try to use words with strong meaning that triggers a psychological or emotional response from the audience.
- To get your videos in front of your target audience, using keywords will help you rank on YouTube SEO (search engine optimization). To do that, place your keyword in the beginning.
Always try to add an invitation for the audience to take action. Including the word video in the title to make it catchy and to increase your views.
How to get youtube thumbnails?
Thumbnail is the first thing viewers see when they find one of your videos. Almost every best-performing videos on YouTube have custom thumbnails. Your YouTube thumbnail should be something that makes people click on your video.
Imagine your video is on an assembly line. There are hundreds of other videos like yours (or thousands if you make crafting videos) all lined up in a single file. Then a random person is suddenly teleported to the line and is allowed to choose one of the videos to watch. Which one will they choose? One that has an ugly and pixelated picture? And One that seems unclear? One that has clashing colors? Or one that looks interesting and matches up with what you are looking for?
But to start, I suggest you take a look at similar videos to the ones you are making. Maybe search for a keyword that you would like to rank a video in. Look at all of those thumbnails that the other creators made and save the ones you really like. Then, once you have 10 or so that you think are interesting and professional, analyze them. Find out what it is about those thumbnails that you specifically like. Then make your custom thumbnail with analyzed output. Do not worry though, one day you’ll have a style that you’re happy to call your own!
You can also use youtube thumbnail maker free application to easily create a youtube video thumbnail. There are many applications like that, you can use which app you like most.
How to make youtube intro video?
Start with a killing intro
Have you ever thought about why movie trailers have become such a valuable marketing tool? An Intro video is to a channel, what a trailer is to a movie.
The part of the video (5-30 second clip) that appears at the beginning is the intro. A well-crafted intro sets the tone of the channel, gives a glimpse into the type of content the viewer can expect and makes it easy to identify the channel.
7 key things to focus when making YouTube Intro videos
Duration – Keep your intro short & engaging. The length should be 3-7 seconds to 30 seconds. Don’t waste time & avoid rushing it get the message across in record time.
Be direct – Go straight to the point and be to the point.
Customize it – There is so much content on YouTube, To stand out and boost your videos to get audiences you need to customize it with your logos, awards, products, or services. Make it something that entices the people.
Quality visuals – To create a level of professionalism & portray your channel as the one that takes its business seriously you should think of using images & videos with high quality.
Powerful introduction – Make sure your introduction fascinates the audiences to know more about you.
Self expectation – The main function of an intro video should be something that makes the viewer to look forward & expect something they want.
Memorable closing – Ending of your video should be powerful enough that your message lingers in viewers’ minds.
How to make a youtube video description?
Descriptions create specific data points that inform YouTubes AI (artificial Intelligence) what type of content is being watched & what other content it is related to. YouTube’S main goal is to keep people on their platform and keep them watching. The more data points you provide on YouTube as a content creator the more YouTube will be able to suggest your videos to the viewers.
How to write best YouTube description steps are :
Start with the audience – You don’t create content for yourself, you create it for others. So, begin with the potential customer. There are so many videos on YouTube already, on almost every topic. Does your content have a reason to exist? If so, why? How will it help the intended audience? Is it to entertain, inform? Develop a customer theory before creating your content video it will help guide the video description and promotion.
Keyword – Most people search YouTube the way they would ask a question, i.e., ‘How to make tea?’ To be on people’s search do research on what people are searching and use that phrase in your title and description.
Paragraph – The description box is a great place to add keywords that help provide context to search engines. For example, if you are targeting keywords like “organic vegetable” and “organic produce” with your video, you might also think about adding related words like “healthy,” “fit,” “wholesome,” “natural,” “farmers market,” “local,” “ecological” or “Earth,” depending on what your video is about.
Add links – Another key element of description is adding links. Links are an important way for YouTube algorithms to make associations. It informs YouTube these videos are linked together and should be played as a series.
How to tags affect your video?
YouTube tags are the words & phrases we use to give the YouTube algorithm context about our video. It’s an important ranking factor with the opportunity to give YouTube and google information about your video. So, provide tags videos for youtube with keyword phrases and channel names.
Adding story to hook people to get views on youtube
Every beginning must draw your audiences into your video, and as quickly as possible. To do that add a story that entices them to know more and get views on youtube. Because story is the only tool on the planet that can get somebody to pay attention and keep it. Let’s see with an example –
You can simply give them the information in a genuine way like so:
We sell laptops cheaper than other companies.
The other option is to implant it into a story or narrative:
Every idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple: laptops are too expensive. We were students when one of us lost his laptop on a field trip. The cost of replacing it was so high that he spent the first & second semester of grad school without it, problems doing assignments and homework. The rest of us had similar experiences, and we were amazed at how hard it was to find a good laptop. Where were the options?
While both achieve the same point, which one of them do you find more appealing? The second one, right?
That’s how storytelling works. People seek more than just facts. They want something they can link and relate to. It’s much more interesting, much more engaging and, therefore, much more likely to bring out a response.
Create captions of Your Videos
Captions or transcripts can help your videos to rank higher by grabbing international audiences and the disabled, it can boost the view traffic. So, customize the caption to keep the vibe of your content.
Use Guest YouTubers
Invite other YouTubers to your channel, do share their channel and ask them to do the same. It will help both to gather new viewers and traffic in your channel. Offer a link to one of their videos or websites in your description and you can form a beneficial relationship built on collaboration.
How to get likes, subscriptions & get views on youtube?
The plain way to begin increasing your views, likes, & subscriber count is to start asking for it in your videos. Never assume that your viewer knows what you want to say. In your videos, give your audience a gripping call to action and ask them to click the “like” & “Subscribe” button right above your video.
For example: “To stay up to date with my latest videos and cool crafting tips, don’t forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel by clicking the button above this video.” If you are a beginner, you need to know the basics about creating a youtube channel.
Thanks for reading. We are delighted to be a tiny part of your YouTube learning process. Do reach out if you have any queries or feedback about YouTube content. We will be more than happy to hear from you.