YouTube has become a global platform for content creators to showcase their talents and connect with audiences worldwide. With the increasing popularity of YouTube, monetization has become an essential aspect for creators to turn their passion into a sustainable income source.

In This Article:

What is Youtube Monetization?
Youtube Monetization Requirements in 2024
Youtube Monetization Policy  
How Does YouTube Monetization Work? 
How To Apply For YouTube Monetization?
What will YouTube check When Reviewing An Account? 
What To Do If You Get Rejected By The YouTube Partner Program
How To Check If A Youtube Video Is Monetized?
Why Is Youtube Monetization Not Showing?
Some Faqs About Youtube Monetization

What is the meaning of YouTube Monetization?

YouTube monetization is the process of earning money from the content uploaded on the platform. When creators monetize their videos, they can generate income through various channels, such as advertisements, affiliate marketing, channel memberships, merchandise sales, and sponsored content. 

YouTube provides creators with opportunities to monetize their creativity, allowing them to pursue their passion while being rewarded for their efforts.

 YouTube Monetization Requirements 2024

Did you know that YouTube offers multiple ways to make money

Each method has its own set of requirements to enable monetization. If you’re specifically looking to enable AdSense monetization on your channel, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Your channel must have at least 1,000 subscribers.
  • You are required to have accumulated 4,000 watch hours within the last 12 months.

Alternatively, In 2024, there is an exciting opportunity for SHORTS creators to earn revenue through AdSense. If your channel-

  • has at least 1,000 subscribers,
  • 10 million public Shorts views within the last 90 days.

This opens the door for Shorts creators to start monetizing their content through advertisements.

youtube monetization requirements

YouTube 2024 Monetization Policy

To be eligible for monetization on YouTube in 2023, creators must meet certain policies.  It’s crucial for creators to familiarize themselves with these policies to comply with the platform’s guidelines and prevent any potential issues.

The key aspects of the monetization policy include:

YPP (YouTube Partner Program):

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) serves as the foundation for monetization. Creators need to apply and be accepted into the YPP to start monetizing their videos. It provides access to ad revenue, channel memberships, and other monetization features.

Creators need to join the YouTube Partner Program to access monetization features.

This program requires a channel to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within the past 12 months.

Avoid copyright claim and monetization mistakes: 

Creators must adhere to YouTube’s copyright policies and avoid copyright strikes. It’s essential to use royalty-free content, seek permissions and licenses, or create original content to avoid copyright infringement. 

Additionally, creators should avoid common monetization mistakes such as misleading titles, deceptive practices, or content that violates community guidelines. Adhering to these guidelines ensures a smooth monetization experience.

How Does YouTube Monetization Work? Top 10 ways to monetize on YouTube

Creators have a multitude of options to monetize their YouTube channels and videos. Here are the top 10 ways to monetize on YouTube:

YouTube Ads:

youtube ads for monetization

One of the most common methods is enabling ads on your videos. YouTube runs ads before, during, or after your content, and you earn a share of the revenue generated from those ads.

Affiliate Marketing:

Partnering with brands and promoting their products or services through unique affiliate links in your video descriptions can earn you commissions on sales made through those links.

YouTube Premium:

Your content can be accessible to YouTube Premium subscribers, who pay a monthly fee to enjoy an ad-free viewing experience. You receive a portion of the revenue generated from Premium member views.

Channel Membership:

youtube monetization with channel membership

With channel memberships, your loyal subscribers can pay a monthly fee to access exclusive perks like badges, emojis, and members-only content. This provides you with an additional source of revenue.

Merchandise Sales:

Create and sell your own branded merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats, or mugs, to your audience. This not only generates revenue but also helps in building a strong connection with your fans.

Paid Sponsorships:

Collaborating with brands to promote their products or services in your videos can be a lucrative opportunity. Sponsored content typically involves featuring the brand’s offerings and includes a compensation agreement.

YouTube Shorts Fund:

If you’re creating engaging and popular Shorts, you may be eligible to earn from the YouTube Shorts Fund. This program rewards creators based on the viewership and engagement of their Shorts.

YouTube Brand Content:

youtube monetization with brand connect

Youtube Brands may approach you to create custom content that aligns with their marketing goals. These brand partnerships can provide substantial financial benefits while allowing you to showcase your creativity.

Super Features: Super Chat, Super Stickers, Super Thanks:

youtube monetize with super chats

Super Chat allows viewers to pay to have their messages highlighted during live chat sessions, while Super Stickers and Super Thanks enable fans to show support through monetary contributions.


Platforms like Patreon or Ko-fi allow your viewers to become patrons and support your channel by making recurring monthly donations. This direct support from your dedicated audience can help sustain your content creation and provide you with a stable income stream.

How to Apply for YouTube Monetization?

To apply for YouTube monetization, creators need to follow these steps:

  • Ensure the channel meets the eligibility requirements, including the minimum watch time and subscriber count.
  • Sign in to the YouTube Studio dashboard.
  • Go to the “Monetization” tab and click on “Start” to begin the application process.
  • Follow the instructions, provide accurate information, and agree to the terms and policies.
  • Once the application is submitted, YouTube will review the channel for compliance and notify the creator of the decision.

What will YouTube check when reviewing an account?

When reviewing a creator’s account for monetization, YouTube examines various aspects to ensure compliance with its policies. This includes –

Evaluating the content

Adherence to copyright and community guidelines,

Verifying the channel’s watch time and subscriber count, and

Assessing the overall engagement and viewership.

It’s essential for creators to maintain a clean and engaging channel to increase their chances of approval.

What to do if you get rejected by the YouTube Partner Program

If a creator’s application for the YouTube Partner Program is rejected, there are steps they can take:

  • Review the rejection email or notification from YouTube for specific reasons.
  • Analyze the reasons provided and assess the areas that need improvement. This may include increasing watch time, improving content quality, or addressing any policy violations.
  • Work on enhancing the channel by creating more engaging and valuable content.
  • Pay attention to copyright issues and ensure all content is original or properly licensed.
  • Focus on growing the subscriber base and increasing watch time by promoting the channel through social media, collaborations, and effective SEO techniques.
  • Once the necessary improvements have been made, reapply for the YouTube Partner Program after the channel meets the eligibility requirements.

YouTube monetization checker: How to check if a YouTube video is monetized

To check if a YouTube video is monetized, follow these steps:

  • Open the YouTube video you want to check.
  • Look for ads that appear before, during, or after the video. If ads are present, it indicates that the video is monetized.
  • You can also look for a monetization icon (a green dollar sign) in the YouTube video manager, which confirms monetization status.
  • However, note that in some cases, content creators may choose not to monetize their videos even if they are eligible for monetization.

Why is YouTube monetization not showing?

If YouTube monetization is not showing for a channel, here are some possible reasons:

  • The channel might not meet the eligibility requirements for monetization, such as the minimum watch time or subscriber count.
  • The channel may have violated YouTube’s policies, resulting in monetization being disabled.
  • There could be technical issues or delays in the monetization process. In such cases, it’s advisable to reach out to YouTube support for assistance.
  • It’s also important to note that monetization features might not be available in all countries or regions.

Also Read: 5 Ways to Rank Higher on YouTube


YouTube monetization offers creators the opportunity to earn revenue from their content and turn their passion into a sustainable career. By understanding the meaning of YouTube monetization, meeting the requirements, and familiarizing themselves with the policies and various monetization options, creators can unlock the potential for financial success on the platform. It’s essential to create engaging content, comply with copyright and community guidelines, and build a loyal audience to maximize the monetization opportunities on YouTube.

Some FAQs

Is it too late to start YouTube in 2024?

It’s never too late to start YouTube! With a unique perspective and quality content, you can still find success and build an audience in 2023.

Which content is most popular on YouTube 2024?

Popular content on YouTube varies, but currently, genres like vlogs, gaming, tutorials, entertainment, and educational content are among the most popular.

What will happen if I don’t get 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time in one year?

If you don’t meet the threshold of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time in one year, you won’t be eligible for certain monetization features like AdSense ads. However, you can continue creating and growing your channel until you meet the requirements.

How does YouTube monetization pay?

YouTube monetization pays creators through various methods, such as AdSense revenue from ads shown on their videos, channel memberships, merchandise sales, sponsored content, and other monetization programs or collaborations.

How much does YouTube pay for 1,000 views?

The amount YouTube pays for 1,000 views varies depending on factors like the demographics of viewers, engagement, ad formats, and ad rates. Generally, the payment can range from a few dollars to several tens of dollars, but it’s important to note that this is an estimate and can vary significantly.